Shifting our Attraction Point

The universe operates out of neutrality- so it will keep giving you options for you to say yes or no to. The things you say yes to, it will give you more of. The things you say no to will be cleared, if you do so consciously and learn the higher lessons associated- the caveat here is if we do so out of fear and resistance, then what we say no to will stick more because we give them more power, and fear and resistance are sticky energies to begin with.

I know- this can be an esoteric concept for some people. So let me break this down: we are always, I mean always, in direct conversation with the universe. When we shift vibrations, what we’re doing is saying no to an existing vibration, and yes to a new vibrational reality. It’s newtonian- a moving object will stay in motion unless acted on by a force. This is to say, our “NO” will stop the pattern from proliferating, and that is how we shift our attraction point.

For example, if we are acting out of unconscious matches, we may keep attracting the same type of partner over and over. It isn’t until we come to the realization, do our healing work and thereby recognize the unconscious, unhealed piece that wants to make itself known consciously can we move forward and then attract a higher level person. Sometimes, a very strong energy healing has that effect if we are choosing to work on what we want to shift. Sometimes these shifts happen gradually as we make our way up the ladder of spiritual learning, other times they happen all of a sudden and we can jump from vibrational reality A to vibrational reality C.

Although I’m going to use an example of online dating, please note that this is a metaphor applied generally in all areas of our lives: the universe will give you matches and it is up to you to swipe right or left. I believe in free will, and although some matches are more “suggested”, the universe is okay with you deciding it isn’t for you and will continue to deliver more matches based on what you say yes to, and refine its algorithm based on your current taste. When you swipe no, with the refined algorithm it will lessen the frequency of how often it presents similar matches until it disappears for good.

Sometimes a huge life change already has the effect of shifting our attraction point in many areas of our lives- that’s how we make those huge shifts from A to C. Sometimes, we clear it through direct experience (because when we confront the energy directly, we act as the force that acts upon it, changing its direction). You’ll notice sometimes when shifting attraction points, we may get one last clearing. One of my healers call this the “draino person” meaning, we get that one last person who reminds us of an old vibration and the situation with that person might be annoying, but what they’re doing is pulling out all the remnants of this old vibration so it can leave. So, we can welcome that experience because sometimes it takes just that one last experience to say enough is enough, and then that force is strong enough for the attraction point to shift permanently.

How to Know You're Undergoing a HUGE Life Shift

1. Things will start falling apart. This is the biggest sign that you’re heading for a huge upgrade in your life, or in different areas in your life.

For example, when I had a huge shift in my love “space”, I went through 3 breakups in a span of a few weeks. It was 3 mini and intense relationships that played out, in order to clear out old energy. Yes it was devastating, yes it was uncomfortable, excruciating even, but I knew that a real relationship was coming. The clearing was freeing me up for something new in my life, clearing old patterns/beliefs/grief/blocks, and sure enough, I ended up in a long term relationship with the next person I dated. When things fall apart, the universe is freeing you up.

2. New people will be magnetized into your life to help you forward

There will be a sudden appearance of new people who want to offer their help in some way. For example, when I committed to my cross country move, random people came into my life to help me in ways with my home, the move, even packing. One person actually gave me a road map for my new career due to several very strange synchronicities.

3. You’ll feel a “push” to grow

For instance, when someone is upleveling in their financial space, they may suddenly get hit with a few challenges in that space. It can feel out of nowhere and hit you in a space that in the past was very peaceful. Sometimes, it’s really just to push you to grow— where would we be without our challenges (which are, in the end, our biggest gifts) after all.

4. Internal “combustion” of sorts— refer to this blog post

5. There will be a mass “clearing” of people, things, in your life. This is to make space for something new.

People just seem to disappear from your life- and you may feel no desire to reach out and they don’t either. This usually applies to a few people because when you shift your vibration or drop your match with them, they shift out. I’ve had this happen with a good friend of mine who is very conscious, so we were able to put it into words- when both of us cleared certain old beliefs, we quite literally could not engage one another- both of us had a feeling that we couldn’t stay in the friendship anymore.

6. You feel your attraction point switch suddenly, and what you now attract, which you attract a lot of initially, feels different than the old.

Suddenly, the new people who come into your life all feel so much “lighter”, or, something just works with them differently than the people you were used to. In love, it could be that you’ve learned all the higher lessons in your relationships that still have trauma-bonds, and then suddenly you are shifted towards attracting people who are your soulmates, or twin flame.

7. There’s a lot of contrast—

This one may be the more esoteric of them all- there’s a really sudden, stark contrast illuminating the darkness and the lightness in your life. For instance, you may have the best possible thing happen to you and you may even be in disbelief at how amazing it is, and then something also seemingly “terrible” (which is an illusion- it may just be a push to grow) happens at the same time. This is not to say that we need to have fear around good things happening, as I’m aware some people have that fear, it’s just to say that something comes to conscious awareness to clear out something dark that’s living in the shadows, so that there can be more light in your life.

All this being said, YOU have to take that first step in order to trigger this shift, for the pieces to come together.


People keep asking how I feel about COVID- and the truth is, initially I wasn’t afraid from the immunity POV- but as the reality set in when I saw how much it affected my life and my friend’s lives, I became very stressed. But that is what makes us susceptible. That is what compromises our immune system.

From a 3D perspective, I was devastated. My life for the next few weeks were solid as I had planned them to be- lots to be excited about and things were falling into place. Then everything came to a halt

As the emails started piling in about shut downs every 10 minutes and work was cancelled, as the news got worse and worse, I knew that I needed to shift my mental, emotional, energetic state- and I did that by implementing intensive self care. What does my self care look like?

  • Face masks! I just love these!

  • Qi Gong

  • Meditation

  • Yoga

  • Jacuzzi time!

  • Epsom salt bath/using it on your chakras in the shower

  • Learning (reading/podcasts)

  • EFT


  • Ginger tea!

And then, after 4 hours, I reached a state of peace. Oddly, what I noticed is I had no interest in reaching out to anyone (which arguably, we’re doing a lot of right now, seeking comfort, sharing woes, getting our social needs met) because I felt so content and well- and again, that’s our choice isn’t it. We can’t control our external circumstances, but we can choose how we feel about it and what we do.

Admittedly there was a sense of guilt that was plaguing me. How dare I feel well when everyone else feels awful about this, and how can I feel well in light of all of this? Well, that’s the best thing we can do, because negativity spreads faster. We want to be the beacons of light that show and grant other people the permission to feel just as empowered right now, despite what we might be facing.

Today, I spent the day sorting through what viruses live within- metaphorically speaking, and not. External circumstances can lead to heavy re-evaluation of the internal, at least I choose to see them this way- and I saw lingering belief patterns that don’t serve me, as well as people that are in my life that have toxic traits. As I got further into this today, I suddenly had a vision of a child, who was clearly below poverty lines, crying, so scared. That affected me profoundly.

I started to realize how self-absorbed the people who exhibit toxic traits are, and that I’d still permitted in my life were, and how that was taking away valuable bandwidth from my life and energy that I could be using to help people who were truly in need. Not to mention, I started to see that I was self absorbed by thinking so much of them, when I could have been using the time and energy I invested in them, or struggled with them, for the higher good. All of those people who are stuck in victim mentality have homes, food, employment, and more. A lot more than they need, yet it’s not enough to them- and here I was feeling helpless in the world because I felt I didn’t have enough to help on the level I wanted- but I realized that couldn’t stop me from contributing what I have right now and bypassing my fears about my future. Because it’s possible those are unfounded, and as quickly as things went downhill, they could go uphill again- we just never know.

Someone asked me today what my takeaway from all of this is, and that answer was:

  1. I see people clearer now- people show their true natures in times of crisis

  2. that I have unwavering faith in the universe and in spirit.

Sometimes point 2 is all we need to be reminded of.

When it got really bad, on Thursday, I sensed so much-

For those of you not into esoteric concepts, this is a good place to stop! For those of you tuned into higher dimensions, here you go:

I’ve felt so much energy- positive, protective energy around me. I’ve seen many many benevolent guides around me, and they seem to be reminding me and supporting me through this. I know that if I’m experiencing this, I’m not the only one.

This reminds me of two times I had an ego death- I had just as many benevolent spirits popping in to say hello- and I was reminded that fear is of the ego, and control is of the ego, and that if we surrender, we’re in good hands.

I know that there are horrible times and I’m not at all belittling the negative impact of this- but I do also know that when there’s something like this, there are good things that come of it too- and I feel hope, because I truly truly feel it.

And in the mean time I’ll do my part and contribute what I can, including researching ways I can volunteer. Because the gift from all of this is free time. But the choice is up to us what we do with it. It’s also our choice what vibration we want to be in.