
When we’re on the path of growth, ascension, healing, whatever you choose to call it, you invariably start adopting your own pace that’s a reflection of your vibration. It’s really difficult for two people to travel vibrationally at the same rate because we’re all unique.

Something I’m learning through my own path is that there will be times that are very uncomfortable as we shift into new ways of being. The matches externally die out as we shed new skin, and we can no longer match certain people in our lives that we, at lower frequencies thought we’d know for a lot longer. It can come very suddenly and can often times be very jarring. Why does it feel like I can no longer talk to this person? Why am I suddenly dreading responding to them, like my energy doesn’t want to go near them? These are some of the thoughts that pop up when I reach this stage. It’s not avoidance, because nothing changed in the relationship— but, I changed.

Sometime we outgrow our teachers. I’ve had teachers and healers, and sometimes both are the same, meet me when they were of a much higher vibration. But, somewhere along the way I rose in frequency above them and their words, teachings, healings, no longer carry any resonance for me. Their truth is not my truth, even if I once saw it as the truth. I’ve come to find that in these cases, either they will shift out something just won’t work— like you can’t seem to coordinate a time to meet, or what once felt really easy to align won’t anymore. Sometimes it’s not just a scheduling mishap- it’s literally something in the connection that’s out of alignment. When you match with someone, things feel more effortless. When things start to tip out of balance, you’ll know too.

The most important thing here is respecting your own vibration. I feel that human beings often confuse things and think we’re all the same, or there’s one path. But people come into this world with different levels of skillsets and some move faster and some move slower. Everyone has their natural cadence, strengths and weaknesses and they can’t be assessed based on one set of criteria. People will also hold you to their own limits, whether they’re conscious or unconscious. So if you allow them to determine where you can go and where you are, you’re agreeing to their limits which may hold you back. Limits may feel safe to begin with because they establish a certain code of conduct, or way of understanding/relating, as you’re adjusting to a new framework. But, if you stay true to you, you’ll know when it’s time to move and stretch your container. You also know when someone is growing continuously and not imposing limits on you.

For me, it’s become more and more important to find people who do not have limits. These are people who’ve made the impossible possible, because these are people who do not think about the world in limits and do not look at me that way either. They often tend to attract a higher caliber (and I mean this as vibration and consciousness) of people who also exceed imposed limits that are decided based on limited consciousness and a consensus, an average.

Jamie Sam’s book Dancing the Dream talks about various paths that we walk. Sometimes, people skip certain paths and come back later to review, some people get stuck on one path, some people move through all swiftly. Our teachers also need to be a few paths farther than us so they can show us the way. In those uncomfortable moments when we’re shifting out of paths and everyone else is still where we left them, it’s important to just breathe and know that just because there’s an empty space now doesn’t mean that new people won’t come in, or the universe won’t guide you towards another teacher. In fact, it’s the empty space that is the very thing that will attract those people to you faster. This is the important moment of self-mastery where we do need to be conscious of what comes up- fear, loneliness, grief etc.. we need to feel them, honor them, but we don’t need to let them overtake us and sacrifice our own vibration to scratch an itch.

It’s very human to want to run back to what we know, but the spiritual path requires us to have integrity with regards to our own journey and our own reason for being here. Some mindset coaches will tell you to transcend the emotion. I’m not, I’m saying that it’s important to feel them through, but that we don’t always have to act on them. We most certainly don’t want to suppress them, or bypass them, or “transcend” them. We need to be honest with ourselves, use our tools to process, but ultimately make informed decisions based on prioritizing our greatest good.

Regardless, the main takeaway in all of this is, sometimes someone’s truth can be your truth for a while, but there is never an absolute truth and in finding our own truth and sovereignty we need to remember that we have the power to decide what is true for us, even if it’s true for someone else.

How to Know You're Undergoing a HUGE Life Shift

1. Things will start falling apart. This is the biggest sign that you’re heading for a huge upgrade in your life, or in different areas in your life.

For example, when I had a huge shift in my love “space”, I went through 3 breakups in a span of a few weeks. It was 3 mini and intense relationships that played out, in order to clear out old energy. Yes it was devastating, yes it was uncomfortable, excruciating even, but I knew that a real relationship was coming. The clearing was freeing me up for something new in my life, clearing old patterns/beliefs/grief/blocks, and sure enough, I ended up in a long term relationship with the next person I dated. When things fall apart, the universe is freeing you up.

2. New people will be magnetized into your life to help you forward

There will be a sudden appearance of new people who want to offer their help in some way. For example, when I committed to my cross country move, random people came into my life to help me in ways with my home, the move, even packing. One person actually gave me a road map for my new career due to several very strange synchronicities.

3. You’ll feel a “push” to grow

For instance, when someone is upleveling in their financial space, they may suddenly get hit with a few challenges in that space. It can feel out of nowhere and hit you in a space that in the past was very peaceful. Sometimes, it’s really just to push you to grow— where would we be without our challenges (which are, in the end, our biggest gifts) after all.

4. Internal “combustion” of sorts— refer to this blog post

5. There will be a mass “clearing” of people, things, in your life. This is to make space for something new.

People just seem to disappear from your life- and you may feel no desire to reach out and they don’t either. This usually applies to a few people because when you shift your vibration or drop your match with them, they shift out. I’ve had this happen with a good friend of mine who is very conscious, so we were able to put it into words- when both of us cleared certain old beliefs, we quite literally could not engage one another- both of us had a feeling that we couldn’t stay in the friendship anymore.

6. You feel your attraction point switch suddenly, and what you now attract, which you attract a lot of initially, feels different than the old.

Suddenly, the new people who come into your life all feel so much “lighter”, or, something just works with them differently than the people you were used to. In love, it could be that you’ve learned all the higher lessons in your relationships that still have trauma-bonds, and then suddenly you are shifted towards attracting people who are your soulmates, or twin flame.

7. There’s a lot of contrast—

This one may be the more esoteric of them all- there’s a really sudden, stark contrast illuminating the darkness and the lightness in your life. For instance, you may have the best possible thing happen to you and you may even be in disbelief at how amazing it is, and then something also seemingly “terrible” (which is an illusion- it may just be a push to grow) happens at the same time. This is not to say that we need to have fear around good things happening, as I’m aware some people have that fear, it’s just to say that something comes to conscious awareness to clear out something dark that’s living in the shadows, so that there can be more light in your life.

All this being said, YOU have to take that first step in order to trigger this shift, for the pieces to come together.