10-Series Testimonial

Grace first worked with me in a clairvoyant healing, which later led to an integrative, then an integrative 10-series. It was beautiful to watch her shift from fear paralysis to making a power move with her job, her relationships and finding full agency in her life, and even discovering some of her spiritual gifts! —- in just 2.5 months.

“Maria is an amazing healer! I did the 10 series integrative healing and it made a profound impact in my life. I started to suffer from depression in 2021 and it kept on getting worse as the months went by. I've never been in that bad of a mental state in my life and I knew I needed help. I sought help from a professional therapist for a couple of months but it didn't work for me so I eventually terminated the therapy sessions. After that, around February 2022, my internal voice told me loud and clear that I should try out alternative healing, that's when I found Maria.

During the integrative healing sessions with Maria, we uncovered that the childhood trauma I suffered from my mother has been negatively impacting me my entire life and is hugely contributing to the grief, anxiety, and fear that I experience on a daily basis. Knowing that, we did a lot of trauma relief work and with the help of Maria, I was eventually able to walk out of it and heal. At the end of the 10 sessions, I truly understood what it meant to be present in my body and to be in touch with my emotions --- something that I've always been avoiding subconsciously. Maria also taught me how NOT to be an energy vampire and instead find the power within myself. That was a very hard yet important lesson for me.

This healing journey with Maria was not easy. It required hard work and facing some of my darkest fears. But it was extremely rewarding and effective. As cliche as it may sound, but ‘the only way out is through’,”