New Package: Intuitive Dating Coaching

Here’s something new and fun for you— this is something that I’ve done for my friends for quite some time, and I figured in the age we live in of online dating, this could be of help to some of you. Or many of you. Just doing my part in making this available for everyone who wants/needs it.

This package is a combination of my photo reading service and intuitive counseling calls.

The breakdown is as follows: 5 photo readings and 2 30-minute calls.

If you’re back on the dating scene or have been out there for a while, I know how frustrating it can be. It can be a lot of sunken time figuring someone out, getting to know someone, just to be disappointed or find that they’re a replay of a pattern. We may want to know answers, red flags, more information than is provided (unless you’re also super intuitive!) and more than that, we may want to know why we’re attracting this, how our energies will align, what lessons are here and what these interactions mean in the grander scheme of things, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually.

And.. that’s where I come in! So, unlike a matchmaker or dating service which I will never be, I’m not finding people for you— YOU are sending me photos of up to 5 people that you’re dating, or want to date, or just want to suss out. There’s no time limit for this as people obviously differ in how they date- some want to date many and narrow it down, some want to date one at a time.

They say dating is a numbers game. I beg to differ. It’s an intuitive game. When I was dating, out of maybe the 100’s of people who were messaging me, I intuitively knew who I would connect to right away and only would meet them. I didn’t have the time to go out and interact with so many different energies, so it’s a shortcut. If we are aware, we will know who we have chemistry with before the first conversation.

Regardless, I’m open to if you want to send me photos of prospects, or photos of people you are currently dating and I’ll give you all the information I get on them that is of the highest good to know, including red flags. What you do with the information is up to you.

Sometimes we may be caught in cycles of attracting the same type of partner, which may not be for our highest good. That’s where the coaching calls come in- I’ll sense in for the deeper why’s and what this is highlighting in your life, what your unconscious wants to bring to your attention re: patterns, trauma, energetics, attachment styles. I’ll reflect back to you what it is that you’re needing to move through, or perhaps just bring greater awareness of your present state of being as it pertains to attraction.

I find that dating can sometimes shed a lot of light about who we are and what we’re familiar with. It can also be a nebulous, confusing territory, and an overwhelming one at that. So, with my help, we’ll take it one step farther in finding clarity, understanding and healing.


People often ask me how I knew that I was “gifted” and I’ll reply that it started when I was a child, I had a particularly keen insight into people. I’d tell people something— i.e. “this person is hiding x y z,” or “this person is really x y z” and people would be like, “no way” and disregard because it was so different from what was perceivable, i.e. their masks. 1-2 years later, or even more than that, in fact recently someone told me 3-4 years after that I was completely right.


We’re all familiar with the obvious ways addictions can show up: recreational drugs, alcohol, food, sex and drugs

Those can bring us into dark territories and serve to numb and sedate us, and fill an inexplicable void.

Then there are the innocuous ones like coffee and work which are typically normalized and not so extreme

But what about the ones like love, sugar, social media, technology, adrenaline or feeling bad about ourselves?

In the past few years, my diet has become a lot cleaner. As I venture farther on my spiritual path I’ve stopped imbibing in alcohol and any sort of drugs as my body becomes more sensitive and as I stop partaking in normalized social behaviors. When I worked a full time job, it was expected of me to grab a drink with coworkers, or friends after works, or even clients. Alcoholism seemed so embedded in our social etiquette and in our coming of age narratives too. Everyone thinks of college as the time of experimentation with drugs, alcohol and sex.

Although I’ve gone months to a full year sometimes cutting out alcohol, drugs and/or sex, as my life becomes cleaner it forces me to re-evaluate where “softer” addictions still occupy spaces in my life and why it is that society normalizes these addictions, as well as what I’m trying to distract from by using them.

For instance, I’ve recently cut out sugar as part of a preparatory cleanse. This made me conscious about how sugar is literally in everything. For a day or two I felt depressed because I couldn’t engage in my life normally. With cutting out caffeine entirely, too, (I haven’t had any coffee in years but I do like green tea and matcha), my life drastically change and took on a new consciousness. I had to read food labels carefully. I couldn’t go to “grab a matcha” whenever I was feeling antsy at home or to distract from how tired I was some days. Without sugar, I quickly realized how hard it was to eat out, even at healthy vegan restaurants. Even my salad dressing has maple syrup in it!

Beginning in January I also stopped dating entirely and deleted every dating app. I started to realize how much of my time/energy/attention was being sapped by just scrolling through dating apps when I was bored. This was time that could’ve been spent on myself, instead it was spent swiping. I also took a break from all social media for a few months and did a technology cleanse for a few days. It became more apparent how inextricable it all is to our functioning- our addictions become essential to being productive in our lives.

I noticed I also had a habit of trying to make myself feel bad about myself. I used to be codependent, and codependency is an addiction. When we are addicted to narcissistic dynamics, we are obsessed with feeling bad about ourselves or finding ways we are dysfunctional or unlovable. This pattern felt so much a part of my life because it was modeled after caregivers that I didn’t even recognize it as an addiction I could free myself from.

All of this is making it clearer for me to see where it is I’m still “dependent” and where I have absolute autonomy in my life. The wonderful thing is that the more we take control over these aspects and clear our more addictions, more ways we give away our power, the more confident we feel in our lives. It is directly related.

I write this to encourage you to take inventory of your life too. How much of it is based on forms of addiction? What is it that you’re distracting yourself from, and what is it filling in your life? Often times we default to addictions because of unhealed patterns, not to mention addictions fill the spaces between the connection with ourselves. When we avoid things, we usually opt for addictions, even if it’s just anxiety that we’re smoking or drinking away. Maybe it’s loneliness and emptiness that fuels someone to engage in compulsive sex or dating. Some of these patterns of behavior feel so normalized in modern day, but that doesn’t mean that they’re adding to our health and happiness. In fact, I’d argue that they’re drastically decreasing our wellbeing. These mechanisms serve to sever our connection to ourselves more.

The more addictions I clear out, the more I notice more of what I’m suppressing in my emotional body. Although I’m well aware of my internal processes at this stage of my life, I get to see more nooks and crannies so to speak, the more I rid of these coping mechanisms. This is difficult, but this is the challenge of being human and the clarity, self control that’s achievable on the other side is well worth it, in my mind.