Hold Steady! Great Conjunction Update

A lot of us are going through huge life shifts at this moment and experiencing turbulence on the spiritual and bodily level. I myself am, and here’s an explanation that I’m both channeling, am learning from my personal experience and have gleaned from a meeting with a shaman that I work with.

With the Great Conjunction and Winter Solstice, we were all shifting and letting go of a lot of the weighty past that couldn’t come with us into where we’re heading, into the new year, into a new world and energy. Some of you know that that time marked the official beginning of the “Age of Aquarius” which I always thought of as such a woo-woo term, but I myself do feel the drastic change in energy. You may have noticed that a lot of contrast was highlighted- some people started really going downhill in their life and some people started upgrading. Within each of us is that exact contrast, as we each internally go through that sifting process of what to keep and what to leave behind.

With the earth being flooded with charged vibrational energy our bodies are forced to release a lot of density that we may have accumulated our whole lives. Old aches, pains, memories, negative emotions especially at the survival level of root and sacral are all coming up for review- that means everything to do with foundation (childhood), home, safety, relationships and emotions. I’ve noticed especially with women, and through my own experience, a lot of this centers around healing of the womb in a new way, a deeper way. We’re clearing a level of female wounding, collectively. So, pain in the womb, UTI’s may come seemingly out of nowhere.

For those of us who “completed” what we needed to work out before the winter solstice, it is an easier ride as we made enough space to integrate the light energy. For those of us who didn’t, it may feel a lot harder because the energies are amplifying the density as it forcibly moves it out, if we choose to upgrade that is.

The shaman that I work with mentioned that the full Saturn/Jupiter conjunction didn’t happen- the overlap wasn’t exact, and therefore instead of merging 3D to 5D, it split the timeline into two, so now 3d and 5d are both happening at once. That’s why there’s such a stark contrast. Each of us are given a choice to make, do we want to stay in 3d or do we want to shift to 5d and stay there? 3d is where there’s fear. We’re given the choice through engagement, as we will get tested with the people and situations around us that either are of the 3d or the 5d and we can decide what course to take.

In the last 2 months I was given a very strong test. I almost didn’t make it, but luckily as I reaped the lessons and broke the energetic/spiritual contracts, I made a decisive cut of the energy that could no longer exist in my life. If the energy is a person, that means you need to de-personalize them because the 5d is about the energetics. I needed to make a necessary cut in my life, no matter how much I liked the person and needed to hold on. You’ll come to find that people who were in your life for a long long time who didn’t shift over to 5d, and if you’re choosing to be on the 5d, you just can’t have in your life anymore. I know, it sucks, but it’s a choice and as my shaman said, it’s about letting people go about their own journeys. In my mind, it’s about respecting the choices someone makes and letting them take responsibility.

As soon as I made the choice in my life, suddenly I was back “online” and in my own energy again, and already the year feels much smoother. You’ll know you’re back in your own energy when you feel yourself again, you feel calm and you feel relieved. I start seeing positive signs immediately in my life. So, can’t wait to “see” you guys again this year over in the 5d!