10-Series Guidelines

For those of you considering a 10-series, here are some disclaimers and guidelines:

  • You will need to have some working knowledge of spirituality, especially regarding chakras, energetic space and energy cords.

  • You will need to know that healing isn’t about quick fixes or making you feel really good about yourself- although I am compassionate and gentle, I do not coddle or enable— this is shadow work, meaning we are uncovering unconscious pieces, dissociated pieces, repressed pieces so that you will have a chance to integrate them into consciousness.

  • You will need to be okay with what comes up when you are triggered- this work tends to be triggering as that’s the path forward- we need to see and feel all we’ve tucked away in order to gain more sovereignty. You’ll need to sit with, take responsibility for, your emotions.

  • I will be vocal with you in order to show you your unconscious behaviors, so that you can heal. There is no growth without some discomfort and absolute honesty.

  • You will need to have adequate support outside of me- most of my clients are in therapy as well, and it’s highly recommended

  • Please know that I am not your friend, therapist, or primary support. I am someone who is expediting your healing and giving you tools and guidance within a 10 week period. We are not walking the same path, I just join you on your path each week to check in on your progress. Your healing journey is yours, and it’s up to you to be accountable for yourself, your healing and your process.

  • Please recognize that this work is not about me. A lot of people who have attachment trauma will sometimes make “me” their projections of me, the center. When this happens, your healing stops. Work out your attachment trauma with your therapist so that we can practice detachment and focus on your healing.