10-Series Testimonial

Colby first worked with me with past life regression, when I used to offer that (I no longer offer the hypnosis session, but past life readings can be done with Clairvoyant Healing). He then worked with me with Clairvoyant Healing, which showed us a bird’s eye view template of what he needed to heal. It then became very evident that the 10-series would be the way to go. Below is his testimonial after his 10-series:

“I have a deep sense of gratitude for Maria and the art of her craft.  She embodies her work - she was made for this.

I started into this searching for answers in my past lives, hoping to know what might have happened to me - why do I feel so disconnected with this world, with other people and with myself?  What is my purpose for being here? 

Through our first insightful session, my trust and respect for Maria grew.  Shortly after I decided to go forward with 10 sessions to work through this life, here and now. 

Early in these sessions I came to know and confront the true nature of my father and mother and the trauma of my early years. 

Through this work, Maria always met me in such a steady and assured way.  Memories and flashbacks were pieced together, and we worked through some of the pain held in my body.  I found myself answering questions I hadn’t dared to ask myself before.  There were many intense and long repressed emotions that came to the surface and were processed in these sessions. I now feel that the ‘lost boy’ in me who felt unsafe in his own body, is here with me now and greatly at ease.

Maria was quite adept, sometimes subtle and sometimes direct, at pointing me back to myself, to my own inner strength - to take agency for my life and for my well being - something I learned to give away in my earlier years. Taking greater care of myself is how I am carrying this life forward now.

Though I have more work to do, I’ve never known such long periods of calm and peace.  I am forever grateful for finding Maria and that I took the plunge by reaching out to her,”