New Services

I’ve decided to introduce two new sessions!

First one is a half hour clairvoyant healing. This will be less focused on a deep healing and more on specific questions.

Second, which I’m really excited about, is a photo reading. I’ve been doing this for my friends for ages and wanted to introduce it to more people. Basically, my friends will show me a photo of someone and I’ll sense in and tell you what I get intuitively. In person, I just put my hand over the photo and read the energy that comes through. This is useful for those of you who are online dating, or have a photo from someone’s instagram, etc. I’ll scan for what type of energy they read as, what blocks I pick up, red flags, etc.. and sometimes I can even sense whether they’re going to be a good energetic match for you (only if you’re a previous client, since I need some familiarity with your energy)

A lot of people have asked me in the past how online dating works for me, being that I’m so energetically in tune. I’ll just say that it saves me a lot of time because upon one glance of a photo I already know a lot, and especially whether we will have a connection. I will say that in the last few years, every single person I have met I have connected well with, energetically. Vibing things out at the offset saves SO much time.

Note: with the photo reading, please refrain from asking me any specific questions, as those are reserved for the emailed questions. I do this to protect my energy, since the emailed questions are more energetically involved, since I have to tap into your energy alongside the clairvoyant space. You can provide some info, like how you know this person or in what context. If you have follow up questions, then please book an emailed question too.

Book now via my booking page