New Waitlist Protocol

There will be some changes to my booking process as of 10/4/22

From now on, all of my sessions are waitlist only.

If you would like to join the waitlist, you’ll need to book your session. The time you pick at booking is arbitrary, it’s solely for the purpose of booking/taking care of paperwork easily. Once I am able to find a time for you I’ll reach out to discuss availability.

For returning clients, we can use Venmo if preferred since you’ve already signed the paperwork.

All waitlist sessions will be honored. If I am not able to honor your session I will offer you a refund and remove you from the waitlist. Otherwise, all cancellation and refund policies still stand.

I am not able to offer a definitive time frame, as it depends on my schedule and availability assessed on a weekly basis. Some sessions may be given priority if I sense there’s a specific alignment.

Thank you!