Remote Reiki Testimonial

I received a lovely testimonial from a new client, Paris, after her remote reiki session.

I just wanted to thank you so so much for our reiki session. The morning after our session, I felt a clearness within that I don’t recall ever feeling before. It felt like the feeling after you’ve deep cleaned your home and just lit a candle. Relief, calmness and inspiration are just a few things that I’ve experienced in the months that followed. Before this session, I struggled with the path I wanted my life to go in. I felt like I was making some progress in the right direction but still missing the mark. After the session, I had an epiphany that seemed so obvious that it was almost laughable. Now I am taking steps in this new direction and I feel so inspired and alive.  

New Waitlist Protocol

There will be some changes to my booking process as of 10/4/22

From now on, all of my sessions are waitlist only.

If you would like to join the waitlist, you’ll need to book your session. The time you pick at booking is arbitrary, it’s solely for the purpose of booking/taking care of paperwork easily. Once I am able to find a time for you I’ll reach out to discuss availability.

For returning clients, we can use Venmo if preferred since you’ve already signed the paperwork.

All waitlist sessions will be honored. If I am not able to honor your session I will offer you a refund and remove you from the waitlist. Otherwise, all cancellation and refund policies still stand.

I am not able to offer a definitive time frame, as it depends on my schedule and availability assessed on a weekly basis. Some sessions may be given priority if I sense there’s a specific alignment.

Thank you!

10-Series Testimonial

Working with Gigi and to watch her bloom into her next phase in life, a phase of life marked by independence and spiritual sovereignty is so wonderful. Our “meeting” was marked by tons of synchronicity and resonant symbols. It’s very common for the highly gifted- spiritually speaking, to be born into systems that don’t support us, and part of our spiritual journey comes from liberating ourselves from the past so we can move forward in all ways as a pure being, unrestrained by the energy and the conditioning of our systems past.

Sometimes we are told certain things about ourselves and we learn to believe them to play our “part” in the dysfunction of those around us. It can impinge on our own belief about ourselves and our capabilities, when in reality it is not true- it is just a learned behavior to stay “in-group”. Of course these parts are not always easiest to recognize, nor are they to heal and release. That’s where I come in.

“It feels like an impossible task to even begin to put into words the kind of experience or impact this 10 series had on me/my impossible it's funny.

I have been in and out of therapy for a decade, I've read almost every lauded self-help and spirituality book that exists, but it wasn't until the sessions Maria helped facilitate did I start to feel like I could actually see myself for the first time....ever! in my whole life.

i feel changed. i feel like a me that finally is on her way to a life i knew i always felt could be mine but i felt soooo far away from. and didn't understand why. and didn't know how to get closer. maria helps you bridge those gaps.

there was and continues to be SO MUCH about myself i didn't know. it isn't a cure all, this work is continuous and life long. but i feel like the forest has cleared a bit and i can see a path AND i'm excited to walk it and even tho i am alone, i feel for the first time, capable, unafraid, and excited.

i don't know. if you're feeling called to this work and you're looking for assurance that this will mean something or make an impact...i don't know if i or anyone can really give you that but it meant a lot to me. it made a huge impact on me. i feel closest to myself than i have ever been and this work + therapy has been doing wonders for my ability to show up for myself and create a life i love and don't want to escape from,”

10-Series Testimonial

Grace first worked with me in a clairvoyant healing, which later led to an integrative, then an integrative 10-series. It was beautiful to watch her shift from fear paralysis to making a power move with her job, her relationships and finding full agency in her life, and even discovering some of her spiritual gifts! —- in just 2.5 months.

“Maria is an amazing healer! I did the 10 series integrative healing and it made a profound impact in my life. I started to suffer from depression in 2021 and it kept on getting worse as the months went by. I've never been in that bad of a mental state in my life and I knew I needed help. I sought help from a professional therapist for a couple of months but it didn't work for me so I eventually terminated the therapy sessions. After that, around February 2022, my internal voice told me loud and clear that I should try out alternative healing, that's when I found Maria.

During the integrative healing sessions with Maria, we uncovered that the childhood trauma I suffered from my mother has been negatively impacting me my entire life and is hugely contributing to the grief, anxiety, and fear that I experience on a daily basis. Knowing that, we did a lot of trauma relief work and with the help of Maria, I was eventually able to walk out of it and heal. At the end of the 10 sessions, I truly understood what it meant to be present in my body and to be in touch with my emotions --- something that I've always been avoiding subconsciously. Maria also taught me how NOT to be an energy vampire and instead find the power within myself. That was a very hard yet important lesson for me.

This healing journey with Maria was not easy. It required hard work and facing some of my darkest fears. But it was extremely rewarding and effective. As cliche as it may sound, but ‘the only way out is through’,”

10-Series Guidelines

For those of you considering a 10-series, here are some disclaimers and guidelines:

  • You will need to have some working knowledge of spirituality, especially regarding chakras, energetic space and energy cords.

  • You will need to know that healing isn’t about quick fixes or making you feel really good about yourself- although I am compassionate and gentle, I do not coddle or enable— this is shadow work, meaning we are uncovering unconscious pieces, dissociated pieces, repressed pieces so that you will have a chance to integrate them into consciousness.

  • You will need to be okay with what comes up when you are triggered- this work tends to be triggering as that’s the path forward- we need to see and feel all we’ve tucked away in order to gain more sovereignty. You’ll need to sit with, take responsibility for, your emotions.

  • I will be vocal with you in order to show you your unconscious behaviors, so that you can heal. There is no growth without some discomfort and absolute honesty.

  • You will need to have adequate support outside of me- most of my clients are in therapy as well, and it’s highly recommended

  • Please know that I am not your friend, therapist, or primary support. I am someone who is expediting your healing and giving you tools and guidance within a 10 week period. We are not walking the same path, I just join you on your path each week to check in on your progress. Your healing journey is yours, and it’s up to you to be accountable for yourself, your healing and your process.

  • Please recognize that this work is not about me. A lot of people who have attachment trauma will sometimes make “me” their projections of me, the center. When this happens, your healing stops. Work out your attachment trauma with your therapist so that we can practice detachment and focus on your healing.

10-Series Testimonial

Colby first worked with me with past life regression, when I used to offer that (I no longer offer the hypnosis session, but past life readings can be done with Clairvoyant Healing). He then worked with me with Clairvoyant Healing, which showed us a bird’s eye view template of what he needed to heal. It then became very evident that the 10-series would be the way to go. Below is his testimonial after his 10-series:

“I have a deep sense of gratitude for Maria and the art of her craft.  She embodies her work - she was made for this.

I started into this searching for answers in my past lives, hoping to know what might have happened to me - why do I feel so disconnected with this world, with other people and with myself?  What is my purpose for being here? 

Through our first insightful session, my trust and respect for Maria grew.  Shortly after I decided to go forward with 10 sessions to work through this life, here and now. 

Early in these sessions I came to know and confront the true nature of my father and mother and the trauma of my early years. 

Through this work, Maria always met me in such a steady and assured way.  Memories and flashbacks were pieced together, and we worked through some of the pain held in my body.  I found myself answering questions I hadn’t dared to ask myself before.  There were many intense and long repressed emotions that came to the surface and were processed in these sessions. I now feel that the ‘lost boy’ in me who felt unsafe in his own body, is here with me now and greatly at ease.

Maria was quite adept, sometimes subtle and sometimes direct, at pointing me back to myself, to my own inner strength - to take agency for my life and for my well being - something I learned to give away in my earlier years. Taking greater care of myself is how I am carrying this life forward now.

Though I have more work to do, I’ve never known such long periods of calm and peace.  I am forever grateful for finding Maria and that I took the plunge by reaching out to her,”

10-Series Testimonial

I had known weeks before from this person’s guides that it was “their time”— so it was not a surprise when she reached out to inquire about the 10-series :) To see where she started vs where she ended… to creating the life she wanted and knowing that she deserved it.. blows me away. To create change, it’s not about moving waves outside of you. It’s about changing what’s within, and watching the rest of your world shift and grow just like you.

I did two consecutive 10-session series with Maria.
TL:DR: I started this journey feeling paralyzed in my life, without hope for the future. With Maria's guidance, I found the confidence and strength to move countries to start a new, exciting career opportunity aligned with my personal values; and developed greater self-acceptance and love by creating healthy boundaries with my heavily-enmeshed family. I still have more healing and confidence-building to do (lifelong journey) but I now have the hope, strength and confidence to continue this journey.

Long review:
Words cannot express how much Maria has helped me. At the start, I had no idea how to move forward in my life. I was frustrated with my job and the city I was living in, lacking the confidence and sense of safety & strength to take any risks and explore new opportunities. I truly felt paralyzed and would live through very heavy, depressive episodes. Part of me thought I just had to accept that life is frustrating, and that I would never live my potential and find work that would spark me. On more personal note, I was completely disassociated from my body, was enmeshed with my family in very unhealthy ways (particularly with my mother), always thinking in their terms, and did not love or accept myself unless I was perfect in every way. I could not stand being in my body and could never find real pride in myself. As a result, I spent a lot of time hiding myself from the world, sometimes resorting to binge-eating or shopping to feel any spark. If I did not think I was "thin or attractive enough" to be seen, I would hide at home, and not see any friends.
Throughout these series, I've had some very tough moments surface and had to swallow some harsh realities, but with Maria's clear and ultra-supportive guidance, my healing journey culminated in me finally connecting to my body, establishing boundaries with those around me (including family), creating opportunities for myself to explore life, and finally embracing my own self worth.
I have never felt more alive, more connected to my true self, and more excited about life and my own potential. In our last session together, I had waves of tingling euphoria throughout my body. It was a wonderful intense feeling that showed me I can feel incredible in my own body - the most amazing way to finish our work together. Career wise, I moved to a new country to start a new job opportunity aligned with my personal values. Maria's sessions played a critical role in my building the confidence I needed to apply to jobs and prepare for interviews with excitement and hope. Not to mention, the confidence to move to a new country without guilt of leaving my family.

It's extremely important to note that Maria is not there to solve everything for you. This work does require you to be independent, and not depend on Maria for all answers. For e.g. journal, meditate, do some grounding work between sessions. You will need to do this research on your own and experiment to see what techniques work for you. This is a lifelong journey, which can sound discouraging for some, but as Maria pointed out to me early on, the alternative is staying where you are now. Do you really want that?

I cannot recommend Maria enough. She is an exceptional talent, the kindest and most generous soul I've met.
Do not hesitate to work with her!!!

Clairvoyant vs. Integrative

The most common question I get is from clients choosing between a Clairvoyant session and an Integrative.

The difference to me appears to me like this visual:

The Clairvoyant session is like being at an aquarium, looking through glass at what’s underneath the water

The Integrative is like jumping into the water and feeling what’s there

The integrative I also liken to cleaning house, as in, I’m there to help you clear out everything in your house including all of what’s stored in the closet, that you long forgot about.

In the 10-series, it’s where we’re cleaning out the whole house, then remodeling it

Both are cathartic in their own ways, and both also differ in the information they can offer you. We don’t do as much emotional processing however, in the Clairvoyant session, even though it can lead to emotional releases for some. The Integrative is where you’re taught to drop into your body, discover safety in the body, and come back “home” to you. The Integrative is as its name says, an integration. Integration is what needs to happen before we feel whole. In a traumatized state, “parts” of us are fragmented, rejected or repressed alongside the emotion.

The Clairvoyant session occurs in a different space, the Clairvoyant space. I’m in trance the whole time in a spiritual dimension and reading from your energy. The main reasons we would go into that space is for information and for clarity. It is where we see truth. The Clairvoyant space feels more objective, whereas the Integrative is more subjective and focusing on your experience, how it impacted you and how to process it.

For first timers who want to understand how I work a little better, I tend to recommend the Clairvoyant healing first before jumping into the Integrative. But, if it’s your body that feels like it’s on the verge of a big release and needing help to sort through the unconscious and conscious containers, then the Integrative is a good way to go. Either way, trust your gut. If you need a suggestion you can email me and I’ll know immediately.