Note: Before this practice, I practiced under a different name, Aleta. Kirby is here referencing my 10-Series back in its early creation.


It feels like an impossible task to even begin to put into words the kind of experience or impact this 10 series had on me/my impossible it's funny.

I have been in and out of therapy for a decade, I've read almost every lauded self-help and spirituality book that exists, but it wasn't until the sessions Maria helped facilitate did I start to feel like I could actually see myself for the first time....ever! in my whole life.

i feel changed. i feel like a me that finally is on her way to a life i knew i always felt could be mine but i felt soooo far away from. and didn't understand why. and didn't know how to get closer. maria helps you bridge those gaps.

there was and continues to be SO MUCH about myself i didn't know. it isn't a cure all, this work is continuous and life long. but i feel like the forest has cleared a bit and i can see a path AND i'm excited to walk it and even tho i am alone, i feel for the first time, capable, unafraid, and excited.

if you're feeling called to this work and you're looking for assurance that this will mean something or make an impact...i don't know if i or anyone can really give you that but it meant a lot to me. it made a huge impact on me. i feel closest to myself than i have ever been and this work + therapy has been doing wonders for my ability to show up for myself and create a life i love and don't want to escape from.

-Gigi D.

Maria is an amazing healer! I did the 10 series integrative healing and it made a profound impact in my life. I started to suffer from depression in 2021 and it kept on getting worse as the months went by. I've never been in that bad of a mental state in my life and I knew I needed help. I sought help from a professional therapist for a couple of months but it didn't work for me so I eventually terminated the therapy sessions. After that, around February 2022, my internal voice told me loud and clear that I should try out alternative healing, that's when I found Maria.

During the integrative healing sessions with Maria, we uncovered that the childhood trauma I suffered from my mother has been negatively impacting me my entire life and is hugely contributing to the grief, anxiety, and fear that I experience on a daily basis. Knowing that, we did a lot of trauma relief work and with the help of Maria, I was eventually able to walk out of it and heal. At the end of the 10 sessions, I truly understood what it meant to be present in my body and to be in touch with my emotions --- something that I've always been avoiding subconsciously. Maria also taught me how NOT to be an energy vampire and instead find the power within myself. That was a very hard yet important lesson for me.

This healing journey with Maria was not easy. It required hard work and facing some of my darkest fears. But it was extremely rewarding and effective. As cliche as it may sound, but "the only way out is through".

-Grace Y.

I have a deep sense of gratitude for Maria and the art of her craft.  She embodies her work - she was made for this.

I started into this searching for answers in my past lives, hoping to know what might have happened to me - why do I feel so disconnected with this world, with other people and with myself?  What is my purpose for being here? 

Through our first insightful session, my trust and respect for Maria grew.  Shortly after I decided to go forward with 10 sessions to work through this life, here and now. 

Early in these sessions I came to know and confront the true nature of my father and mother and the trauma of my early years. 

Through this work, Maria always met me in such a steady and assured way.  Memories and flashbacks were pieced together, and we worked through some of the pain held in my body.  I found myself answering questions I hadn’t dared to ask myself before.  There were many intense and long repressed emotions that came to the surface and were processed in these sessions. I now feel that the ‘lost boy’ in me who felt unsafe in his own body, is here with me now and greatly at ease.

Maria was quite adept, sometimes subtle and sometimes direct, at pointing me back to myself, to my own inner strength - to take agency for my life and for my well being - something I learned to give away in my earlier years. Taking greater care of myself is how I am carrying this life forward now.

Though I have more work to do, I’ve never known such long periods of calm and peace.  I am forever grateful for finding Maria and that I took the plunge by reaching out to her.

-Colby O.

I did two consecutive 10-session series with Maria. I started this journey feeling paralyzed in my life, without hope for the future. With Maria's guidance, I found the confidence and strength to move countries to start a new, exciting career opportunity aligned with my personal values; and developed greater self-acceptance and love by creating healthy boundaries with my heavily-enmeshed family. I still have more healing and confidence-building to do (lifelong journey) but I now have the hope, strength and confidence to continue this journey.

Long review:
Words cannot express how much Maria has helped me. At the start, I had no idea how to move forward in my life. I was frustrated with my job and the city I was living in, lacking the confidence and sense of safety & strength to take any risks and explore new opportunities. I truly felt paralyzed and would live through very heavy, depressive episodes. Part of me thought I just had to accept that life is frustrating, and that I would never live my potential and find work that would spark me. On more personal note, I was completely disassociated from my body, was enmeshed with my family in very unhealthy ways (particularly with my mother), always thinking in their terms, and did not love or accept myself unless I was perfect in every way. I could not stand being in my body and could never find real pride in myself. As a result, I spent a lot of time hiding myself from the world, sometimes resorting to binge-eating or shopping to feel any spark. If I did not think I was "thin or attractive enough" to be seen, I would hide at home, and not see any friends.
Throughout these series, I've had some very tough moments surface and had to swallow some harsh realities, but with Maria's clear and ultra-supportive guidance, my healing journey culminated in me finally connecting to my body, establishing boundaries with those around me (including family), creating opportunities for myself to explore life, and finally embracing my own self worth.
I have never felt more alive, more connected to my true self, and more excited about life and my own potential. In our last session together, I had waves of tingling euphoria throughout my body. It was a wonderful intense feeling that showed me I can feel incredible in my own body - the most amazing way to finish our work together. Career wise, I moved to a new country to start a new job opportunity aligned with my personal values. Maria's sessions played a critical role in my building the confidence I needed to apply to jobs and prepare for interviews with excitement and hope. Not to mention, the confidence to move to a new country without guilt of leaving my family.

It's extremely important to note that Maria is not there to solve everything for you. This work does require you to be independent, and not depend on Maria for all answers. For e.g. journal, meditate, do some grounding work between sessions. You will need to do this research on your own and experiment to see what techniques work for you. This is a lifelong journey, which can sound discouraging for some, but as Maria pointed out to me early on, the alternative is staying where you are now. Do you really want that?

I cannot recommend Maria enough. She is an exceptional talent, the kindest and most generous soul I've met.
Do not hesitate to work with her!!!

-Alexis A.

Let me start by saying this: a little over a year ago, BEFORE starting the journey with Maria, I thought I wouldn't make it out alive. Life was bleak, and my mental and physical bodies were responding by shutting down. I barely had energy to do much other than binge eat and wallow in confusion, depression, and an unwavering fogginess. A perpetual dark hole.

Cut to starting sessions with Maria: slowly, with hard and consistent work (including a lot of introspection and putting new habits into practice), I started to feel lighter, more joyful, and magnetic to joyful opportunities in life. I went from complete lethargy, to moving across continents and exploring new cities with confidence, with joy, a taste for adventure, and my old exuberance back. I was strong enough to set boundaries and reclaim my independence in family, work, and social contexts. I reconnected to myself - and learned more about what drove me to the dark place I was in, as well as how to create a new life that was worth living.

This is not easy work. You're going to have to face yourself, your internal demons, and potentially uncover shadows that you didn't know existed or worked very very hard to suppress. However, I couldn't imagine going through it with any other practitioner. Maria's knowledge is so deep, and so genuine. There is no toxic positivity mindset as is pervasive in this commoditized space of spiritualism. She's real. She is careful with the speed and intensity at which you progress in the journey. There are no false grand schemes of "buy my services and you will be happy". Maria never pushed her services on me, which I felt was very important to experience given insecurities around being taken advantage of. She is versatile - in language, in technique, in communication - and it was truly amazing to see just how tailored her care is to each client.

It truly is hard to write out in words the impact Maria's work has had on my life, or the rare beauty of her skillset - a truly truly remarkable one without self-aggrandizing or pushing your limits for results. If you're curious, I encourage you to try a single session to see for yourself (and be prepared to be blown away).

All I can say is this, today I live life with a deep sense of gratitude, an openness and ease of recognizing the beauty of life and all the in-betweens (whether seemingly simple or magical/other worldly in scale), a warmth in my heart and openness to love (my self, family, colleagues, strangers, Earth, etc), new dreams that feel genuine and authentic to me and my younger self, and above all, a will to live. This last part I never thought I'd experience again.

Trust your gut & try a session.

PS worth mentioning, I've complete 2 x 10 series with Maria. The investment was every bit worth it. I've also had reiki sessions (again - not imposed by something I felt called to do).

-Karla C.

It has been a few months since my integrative healing series with Maria. I initially consulted with Maria for help with moving trauma and healing from ptsd.

There has been so much relief.

Maria got me back into my body... I have been free from chronic pain, feel safe enough to walk down the street, and have been getting deeper into my own personal power.

These miracles have certainly continued months later.

A few words that come up for me to describe where I am currently at are: Alignment, Transformation, Powerful, Divine, Held...

Something that is physically fascinating and that I got out of my work with Maria is how connected I am becoming to my womb. That is where my power sits, and I can only describe the feeling as being very open and able to sink down into. Its safe there, and this was not always so.

I continue to be free of chronic back pain.

I remain sober from a food addiction, it will be one year in December.

Last summer I experienced a lot of things that triggered my PTSD in which I stopped using public transportation and rarely left my home outside of having to go to work.

I was waiting to be attacked.

This summer after working with Maria, I have had ZERO ISSUES. No one bothers me, my energy is completely changed and whatever holes or chords were there that kept attracting bullshit are gone. I feel very empowered and safe and protected, and I am able to navigate NYC much more freely and with much more compassion rather than fear. I even took a solo trip to New Orleans for my birthday, completely safe.

Some things that I originally wanted to achieve have happened.

I signed to an international modeling agency, completed my voice over training, am collaborating with other artists to create music, re-branding and launching my wellness business, creating speaking engagements around intimacy, stepping into my lineage as a shaman, and healing my ancestral trauma starting with my immediate family. I stand for people's happiness, I lead with Love always. My heart space feels soooo expansive.

I have furthered my self healing journey and taken up transformational education that has included further empowerment and having a say in how my life goes. I am growing more expressive and open, have had multiple opportunities to take my power back and move away from victim space, and have had the utmost honor to watch the Universe move for me.

I am currently dealing with a fresh and painful break up where I now see manipulation was involved. I am in a lot of pain over it, but moving through the waves very rapidly. What has been truly amazing is how held I am. What typically would be weeks of isolation, I am absolutely submerged in the love of friends and family who have been with me the entire time. Its like space was made and now nothing but love and abundance are pouring in. I am so moved... aligned. And I continue to feel powerful despite the pain... but their is power in my pain! It is goddess energy like I have never experienced, I feel like I have arrived. I see and accept who I am for people, what I bring into spaces with me, and what I am out to change, share, and be in the world.

Incredible things are occurring and I know this is just the beginning.

I am so grateful to have worked with Maria. There is nothing more terrifying than a woman standing in her power. I look forward to when it is no longer terrifying, but celebrated; and no longer something that needs "stepping into," but will already just be.

It is this work that will get us to that place some day.

-Kirby C.

Imagine not having to second guess who you are anymore. You have greater clarity, compassion, and confidence for simply being you. Maria is a goddess-send to my life, and has helped me develop the skillset to walk into my power. She’s the doorway to change and transformation. We’re all susceptible to trauma, pain, and shame. Yet, there’s a way to be stronger from it.

Her loving presence and her work initiates you to treat yourself with respect, love and kindness. With her, I gained the courage and trust to shift perceptions, emotions, and habits that kept me trapped. I trust myself more than ever to heal and make the most of the cards I was dealt with because of her help.

Regardless of the distance, I could feel her presence before each call. Stagnant energy was being cleared, old layers of muck ready to be healed. There’s multiple levels to this work, and she’s able to meet me at every level and drop in. She skillfully helped me access my higher self, my subconscious self, and many other parts of me that felt safe to come out. She opened my third eye, making it easier for me to access my inner wisdom and transition into a place of awareness. The work has also helped me muster courage to really own my voice and my power.

When you’re aware that an old way of being has run it’s course, you know you have to do something about it. If your heart is whispering to you to work with her, you should listen. She’ll help get you to where you need to go so you’re no longer estranged from yourself, your power, your desires, and your wholeness.

- Vina C.

Over the last few months, I've been fortunate enough to partake in Maria's remote healing sessions. To say that it's been a period of tremendous positive change in my life would be an understatement.

I was going through a very rough patch personally and professionally and felt really stuck. Working with Maria has changed all of that. She is a born healer, gifted empath, and has a unique ability of tapping into one's energy and intuitively knowing what's going on beneath the surface, and how to heal it. Maria has helped me work through some deeply buried emotions and remove the blocks which were fundamentally holding me back.

Maria knows how to listen, make you feel understood and validated, and then help you work through the blockage with hands-on assignments in a safe environment. Whether it's her in-person sessions or remotely, Maria is the best at her craft in mixing holistic healing, hypnosis life-changing coaching together to form a bespoke transformative healing experience.

Although Maria has a naturally soothing energy that makes me feel instantly calmer when speaking to her, she doesn't believe in quick fixes. She gets to the core of the issues and gives you homework. But if you're willing to put in the work and really seek change, Maria can help you unblock your highest potential beyond your wildest dreams.

Meeting Maria was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I can't recommend her enough to anyone seeking to achieve a higher level of consciousness, productivity, and clarity in your life.

- Joseph


Maria is a one-in-a-million healer and practitioner. The very first session I had with her was one of the greatest gifts I’ve received in recent memory. And our time together has opened a necessary pathway into expressing and processing emotions that hadn’t been aknowledged in me for decades. I can’t thank her enough for this gift.

What strikes me about Maria and her work is how it unfolds in a manner that’s truly grounded in experience. It seems to me that we’re living in a time where there’s a growing trend towards holistic or spiritual approaches to healing that promise the allure of touching something transcendent. Yet with this trend comes the danger of a wave of practitioners who rely on cliché or grand platitudes in place of something authentic.

Maria’s integration of Reiki, crystal healing, somatic therapy and intuition is anything but cliché. There’s a feeling throughout the session that every word she utters comes from a lifetime of truly doing the work herself. She’s able to be effective because she’s been where you are. And she knows how to meet you there in a way that encourages the best parts of you to emerge.

The work I’ve done with Maria stands out because of how it opened me to new parts of myself and continues to unfold on a daily basis. The personal insights discovered appear to me in my meditations, in conversation with my partner, and in the moments of everyday life. I see myself differently than I did just a few months ago and this unfolding process will undoubtedly continue over the coming months.

In just a few meetings with her I’ve learned so much about the person I am, and for that I’m deeply thankful.

-Nick W.

My first session with Maria was very powerful. I had only had a couple short community Reiki sessions before, and though they were nice, I was looking for something much more intense, a real cleanse or attunement, I didn't know what to call it, I just knew I needed it. I was hoping to clear out some past pain that felt as though it had solidified into a granite-like mass. I could feel it lodged there- it had been there for years.

Maria has a lovely presence, kind of ethereal, honestly. I felt very understood and hopeful discussing things with her, and completely confident that I'd chosen the right person to help me.

The session itself was very relaxing and peaceful and once it was over she gave me some time to adjust to my new energy. Everything still felt fairly subtle at that point. It was when I got up and we discussed how I felt that I started to feel it. The space around my heart was so open it felt like somebody had left all the doors open and there was a constant breeze moving through. This feeling lasted for a week or two in a noticeable way. I would be reminded that I'd had the session simply by breathing- it felt different- so expansive and energizing. I felt energy moving through me easily all the time. Everyone commented that I was glowing, that I looked really happy and the crazy thing was that it wasn't at all a good time in my life. But the session had made me feel quite powerful.

I've had a couple remote sessions with Maria since and they've been wonderful. I don't know how it works but it works. I can feel exactly what she's working on and the effect is always uplifting, clarifying, empowering.

I would recommend Maria to anyone looking to move forward. The helpful push you get from this work is remarkable.
Thank you so much Maria and I look forward to working with you again!

- Sarah C.

Maria is a very talented reiki practitioner, and I was recommended to see her by the best in the field. I was very happy with our first session together this year, which was really profoundly healing for me on many levels. She used various energetic techniques to help move and heal emotions very effectively, and allowed space for tremendous growth in a very short period of time. Maria is excellent at maintaining a supportive, focused environment during sessions and easily demystifies any uncertainty around the process with ease and great intelligence. She is very inherently skilled at what she does, and is sure to help with any energy related issues that affect one's overall health and happiness (and since all ailments and issues are energy related in life, she can help with a very wide variety of things that cannot be cured as effectively by a more traditional sort of practitioner.) The work she does vastly improves my wellbeing every session, and she maintains great kindness, gentleness, and professionalism with great ease. I certainly recommend sessions with Maria if you are focused on improving your overall wellbeing and finding profound health and joy in your life on all levels! If you are new to alternative reiki, maintaining an open mind is key so you can fully benefit from this cutting edge, ever expanding, hidden gem of a modality. If you book a session with Maria, you will not be disappointed! Thanks Maria!

-Rita S.

I just wanted to thank you so so much for our reiki session. The morning after our session, I felt a clearness within that I don’t recall ever feeling before. It felt like the feeling after you’ve deep cleaned your home and just lit a candle. Relief, calmness and inspiration are just a few things that I’ve experienced in the months that followed. Before this session, I struggled with the path I wanted my life to go in. I felt like I was making some progress in the right direction but still missing the mark. After the session, I had an epiphany that seemed so obvious that it was almost laughable. Now I am taking steps in this new direction and I feel so inspired and alive.  

-Paris I.

I first experienced reiki and its healing power through a remote session with Maria. I was admittedly a bit skeptical prior to our session, but ended up blown away by it. Maria's ability to channel reiki energy, heal, and so clearly define what I needed, was incredible. She was so willing to hold space for me before, during and after, and I felt very safe in opening myself up to her. I've since found I'm not always comfortable or willing to let people work on me and enter into my energy field but have never had that hesitation with Maria. I've since had multiple healing sessions with her and feel worlds lighter and more vibrationally aligned each time. I have been so affected by our work together it led me onto my own path of reiki practice and then my own attunement. I am so thankful for Maria's work and can only emphasize how gifted she is as a healer and how kind she's been to me throughout our many sessions.

-Hope W.

As soon as I met Maria I could feel she is an incredibly pure and authentic soul. From the start and throughout our entire conversation I always felt completely safe. She listened intimately without any inclination of judgment. Rather quickly I felt Maria entirely and wholly understood me. To be completely honest, words wouldn’t have even been necessary; they were just an added benefit to connect and exchange through this medium. She just got me. I knew I was in good hands.

Maria is not only empathetic yet she has also clearly tapped into her intuitive abilities. I couldn’t wait to book my first remote reiki session with her and shortly after we met I did! Days before the session I could feel Maria’s calm and completely unintrusive warm presence subtly and randomly vibrating around me through the day (it seemed as if Maria was becoming more familiar with my most current energy and aura) and I sensed her energy the morning of and during our session as well. Maria’s presence was very comforting, and it felt like she was giving my soul a big hug. She is gentle, compassionate and loving, and through this is an extremely fierce and powerful force. My session with Maria brought me ease, relaxation and much peace. It was a healthy release of the unnecessary energetic blockages that were stagnant within. Maria has freed me of this.

After the session Maria communicated what she had felt and found, along with what she had shifted for me. She elaborated eloquently with kindness yet was respectfully straight to the point. She magically knew the emotions that came up for me throughout the session, and couldn’t be more on point with where I was in many aspects of my life both physically and emotionally. A few days later I had an epiphany and a major breakthrough with a subject that I was clearly denying, yet was subtly weighing on my subconscious for most of my life. It’s something I questioned yet always quickly denied, and now I believe I know.

Maria provides her clients much more than what one can describe with words. She has an understanding of energies more than one can truly explain- it can only be felt. I am very eager to work with Maria again and try her other healing sessions. I have already and will continue to recommend Maria to all of my friends.

From within my heart, thank you so very much Maria.

- Jackie P.

I went into the session looking for a sense of clarity. I had felt mentally and spiritually blocked for a long time. There was so much I still felt I didn’t know about myself, so much that I unexpectedly discovered in an hour sitting across Maria. She allowed me to trip across my words, stumble for an understanding of a situation or a person or relationship, only to help piece puzzles together. She calmly guided me through and gave her insight including some clairvoyant images she saw. 

I come from a very conservative, religious culture. I assumed that I could never do my situation justice or explain my story appropriately to Maria in a way that would allow me to receive what I needed from her, thinking she’d never understand. However those boundaries melted away. In the intuitive counseling session Maria was so open and receiving that it allowed me the room to pour out my heart out, and elaborate on everything from family to career endeavours to romantic relationships. The moments of ‘tuning in’ with deep breaths put me at such ease and thus helped me communicate. I left the intuitive counseling session feeling so awake, alive and in tune with myself. 

The second time I visited Maria was for my first Reiki session. The most significant moment was when she pressed a point on the palm of my right hand causing very strong flashes of memories of a failed past relationship. Shutting my eyes tightly, I almost told her to stop. The results were not at all what I had expected. I returned home crying. I had no idea there was so much pain left even after 6 months. It was all a part of this cathartic necessary process, and a day later I was relieved, with calmness and clarity on the situation. 

As a writer, the two sessions alone rebooted what I call my ‘dried out’ creative juices. To be clear, Maria will not fix you. If she is right for you and you are open to receiving, she will give you the tools, the perspective and the ability to look at your life in a way you never did. I was going through a period of immense change as a student on my semester abroad in New York City but those last few days consisting of two sessions with her had pushed my growth even farther.

Like trying to start a car with a faulty engine, my spiritual journey never took off despite my past efforts. I consider those two sessions to be the beginning of my true awakening, a late 21st birthday present to myself. I was starting the next chapter of my life on the right foot. It all happened at the right time and place, and I’ll never be the same again thanks to Maria.

- Anonymous

I have gone to Maria twice already and let me tell you this woman is an angel!! The first time I had visited Maria for reiki, I was very skeptical and did not know what to expect. At this point in my life, I was very stressed, insecure, and constantly in a state of fight or flight. I was desperate for a sigh of relief as I felt like I was beginning to lose control of my life, so I researched reiki online and found Maria. Her story and outlook on life really resonated with me so I made an appointment and saw her the next day. Right off the bat, Maria made me feel so warm and comfortable with her presence. As I began to describe my symptoms, she assured me that my stress and state of worry would dissipate. Her calming, serene nature brought me to a place that felt safe and already I knew I made the right decision by coming to her. The way she listened carefully and gave me her remarkable intuitive feedback made me a firm believer that she comes from a place of genuine care and understanding. After my reiki session, I felt the most relaxed and calm I've felt in months! It was unbelievable, and after the next few days I was completely sold that Maria is the real deal! I began to be present in the moment, and not fret over the little things that used to bother me. It was like I was an entirely different person; a better, relaxed version of myself. It was as if Maria triggered something in my body to help it heal itself. Day by day, I was healing from the inside out. I felt so light and happy, clear headed and so confident. Thank you so much for your powerful healing sessions Maria, you truly saved me.

-Natalie B.

Initially I was too familiar with Reiki and how the process but I gotta say that Maria is an expert in her craft! She took the time to walk me through how the process works and took the time to listen to me to assess where I'm currently at. I would say this is perfect for someone whose looking to change their life for the better. There's a lot of exercises we go through in order to tap within myself where I was able to confront a lot of my previous trauma. The work is ongoing but because of this program, I was successfully able to attract better opportunities in my life (for example: better job opportunities, being in a better state of mind and even experiencing a healthy relationship for the first time). I highly recommend Maria to anyone looking into a spiritual journey and healing. Keep an open mind and Maria will do her magic! You'll be surprised when she's able to pinpoint things about you without even saying a word but I knew from that moment that this is the person to be working with! I was very happy with my progress and look forward to a brighter future. Thank you Maria for everything!

-Damith W.

I saw Maria in person when she was based in NYC and absolutely loved it. Truly never tried reiki before but had some profound experiences that left me a better person. I have recently done a remote session with her and would recommend to anyone needing extra care in these difficult times. I can't recommend her gift enough.

-Michael M.

Maria's remote reiki is NO JOKE.

I've always been a skeptic--thought reiki worked by power of suggestion-- you feel better having someones hands move over you, of course. 

My remote reiki sessions with Maria have shown me how wrong I was-- this isn't suggestion, it's very real!

Maria is very powerful. She is able to diagnose energetic and physical imbalances with almost unnerving accuracy--  from chest pain, to chronic worrying, she can feel what you feel. What's more, though, she can transform it-- by the end of a session, you are returned to  a state of bliss.

I decided to run a little test-- during one 45 minute session, I kept track of my thoughts & feelings, & the sensations in my body. Afterward, I asked Maria for a chronological run-down of what she'd worked on. My notes & hers matched up perfectly.

I don't know how she does it, but it works!

-Charlotte D.

Growing up in Japan, I heard on a daily basis, people refer to this mysterious energy called "ki", and talk about it as if this magical force were as real as our cell phones. I had always loved the idea, and wished that it were true. It was never real for me because I never felt it or experienced it in any way.

That is, until I had a reiki session with Maria.
I had an injury in my left shoulder that had been bothering me for about three weeks along with a couple other minor injuries in other parts of my body. Maria suggested a remote session. The whole idea of remote reiki session was entirely new to me and was a bit puzzled, but I was pretty desperate at that point, so we agreed on it.

The shoulder was aching so bad on the day of the session, I was coming home from work miserable and in half tears. I was told to turn my phone off and lie down, so i did. But I realized that if I turned my phone off, I had no way of knowing how much time had passed, so I got up to turn my phone on airplane mode instead. 

While I was fidgeting with my phone, I felt a strong pressure on my left shoulder. Not pain, just pressure. I thought may be this could be the sign that the session had started, so I quickly laid back down again. 

During the session, I kept track of this pressure I was feeling - where and how I feel it, how long it stayed in each part of my body. I traced and kept close attention to the pressure as it moved around between the injured areas, and made a point to remember the movement. 

I got up only after I no longer felt the pressure. Afterwards, I asked Maria what exactly it was that she did, without saying what I had felt first. I wanted to know that the pressure I was feeling wasn't just my imagination. To my amazement, what she had described was exactly what I had felt. Everything she said was exactly as I had remembered it - location, duration, order, everything. I would have been amazed if I had felt anything at all from such a distance, but to feel her energy exactly as she intended totally blew my mind. Not only that, but the pain in my left shoulder was completely gone for a whole week and a half afterwards!!

It was such an amazing experience, and I am very thankful for Maria, and her power. She is also such a sweet, lovely person too! I highly recommend!

-Leo S.

Maria is very powerful, very intuitive, and very kind. I am still using the tools and what we talked about together in an hour with her several months later. It also gave me a blueprint for longer term healing and helped bring me back to myself. thanks Maria!

- Hannah G.

Maria is truly a gifted healer! I noticed an immense, positive difference after one session and only wanted to work with her more. She is so warm and kind so for anyone who is new to this type of healing, she will make you feel comfortable right away. For anyone looking for holistic healing and spiritual growth, I could not recommended Maria more!

-Kelly F.

I went for a Reiki session with Maria last week. As soon as I walked in I felt so comfortable. She wanted to know about me and the reason for my visit, so we sat down and talked. I could feel she really cared for my healing, it was a beautiful conversation already full of guidance and peace. The session was so beyond my powerful and beautiful...I left floating feeling so happy and relaxed. I realized things about my self during it and also during the next few days, thoughts and feelings kept coming to me like visions on the issues I had to heal. I feel so connected and peaceful, Maria pushed me in such a good healing direction.

-Sandra G

Maria is absolutely wonderful! I received my first reiki session from her and she exceeded my expectations. She has a lovely, calming presence that made me feel completely comfortable. She provided me with spot on insight about my chakras and my body! I would definitely go back and recommend.

- Brooke L.


I have had several sessions with Maria now and she is absolutely amazing. I was skeptical of any sort of mystical experience before I started working with her, but I knew quickly that she was the real deal. Maria is incredibly compassionate and talented, and she has gotten me in touch with deeply buried parts of myself I needed to reconnect with. I am very impressed with the accuracy of her clairvoyant insights, and the imagery she describes to me resonates deeply.

After our initial Clairvoyant Healing session, I decided to come back for Integrative Healing at Maria's recommendation, and I have made amazing progress after only a few sessions. Maria has the amazing ability to reflect what is just below my conscious awareness and has helped me make breakthroughs that would have taken years for me to arrive at, if I had ever gotten there at all.

Prior to this healing work, I was a high-functioning, highly depressed person. I walked through life with a strong face and a wounded heart. I could not have imagined what life might feel like if I were not carrying the emotional weight of my past around like a permanent backpack. Maria has helped me lighten that load, and I feel more confident, more positive, and more hopeful than I have felt at any other time in my life. I have even been fortunate enough to receive Reiki work from Maria and it was blissful.

If anyone had asked me even a year ago if I believed in reiki, clairvoyance, or energy healing, I might have laughed at them. Now, I am a full believer and eternally grateful for having uncovered this beautiful aspect of life, and for having the pleasure of meeting such a beautiful soul.

-Meleah P.

Maria is such a special healer & intuitive. She reads with clarity that is completely unparalleled and I have come away from every reading with her with new and incredibly helpful insights. She has never once steered me wrong and I have been so impressed over and over with the quality and detail of information that she conveys in her sessions. I have sent her multiple referrals because she has been such an enormous help to me,  and every time I send someone her way, they tell me they are astounded and blown away by her gifts. Her integrative healing is also an extremely powerful service that I would recommend to anyone who feels stuck in any capacity. Maria is such a kind human being with the purest of intentions and the degree of truth, clarity, healing, and accuracy that she delivers would be incredibly difficult to find elsewhere

-Stephanie R.

Of all the experiences I've had with ESP professionals, Maria gave me the most specific, profound, and enlightening reading by a long shot. Her voice speaks the truth straight to your soul. I was moved to complete stillness - shocked by the accuracy of her revelations and, at the same time, unsurprised by the natural truth that resonated throughout my whole being. I was immediately liberated. I felt like I was seen and known for the first time in my life. Maria is exceptionally receptive to the deepest levels of truth we can access as human beings. Her clarity is pristine and she communicates purely. I highly recommend discovering the divine wisdom that Maria embodies. She expanded my universe more than anyone I've ever encountered. I'm forever grateful.


It has been about 2 weeks since my session and I am still floating on air! I have had other readings done before and this was by far the best one hands down. I am now much more conscious of areas in my life that I may have been suppressing or even neglecting and I feel like so much weight has been lifted off of me. During my session with Maria I was given so much clarity as she took her time with me and allowed me to ask as many questions as needed. I feel like I am definitely off to a good start on my healing journey and I thank Maria for sharing her gifts with me.

-Asia D.

I recently saw on social media that Maria was doing clairvoyant readings so I jumped at the opportunity. She responded back super quickly and we set up a time! She gave me two options for a reading, one was a general reading and the other was meant for a more specific question I had in mind. I asked for the general reading which required nothing from me but my attention. Maria began the session with a prayer to open the connection and had me repeat my name three times. The atmosphere she set felt very safe and inviting. I realized very quickly that she was someone who was profoundly connected, highly aware, and super genuine. 

As we progressed through the session, I was blown away at how accurate and specific everything she said was. She used incredibly descriptive language with a lot imagery to help me visualize what she was sensing. She would make sure I was following along, and every now and then, remind me to breathe. In the short bit of time, she was able to connect with me on a deeply personal level while maintaining a super professional, agreeable presence.

She told me about which chakras I had blockage and where I needed to concentrate my healing. She even went as far as helping me begin to release some of the trauma that was buried deep. As she worked through my blockage and excavated through all that "tar", I could almost feel her healing me. Even through the phone, it was so visceral. 

The session was beyond anything that I expected. She clued me into things that I never would have come to the realization by myself. She told me what I needed to work on, and generously equipped me with the tools and direction to take my healing and inner work to the next level. I left feeling inspired and with a newfound sense of purpose. It almost feels like something was unlocked; With her help I was able to tap into something very true that I've been ineffectively scratching at for a while.  

Maria is the one. She is dope.

-Zana G.

My session was done remotely with Maria. I chose a general reading as I didn't know what to fully expect. It was intense yet freeing (for me). During the session I felt safe and cared for within that space with her. It was an eye opening experience, one where light was shined on what I needed to see at this exact time. She stayed very open and offered healing afterwards. I'd suggest taking notes and really sitting with it after. Beautiful session, truly recommend.

- Kaye W.

I have had the pleasure and absolute blessing of working with Maria for about seven months now through integrative healing, remote reiki, and clairvoyant readings. When we have done clairvoyant sessions, she does not sugarcoat the truth and tells me what I need to hear, but always in the context of how I can take the reigns and manifest my own journey. I end each session feeling a sense of calm, transformation, and empowerment.

What separates Maria from any other healer I've ever worked with is her ability to guide me in understanding my world through imagery. This has illuminated the way I express myself and convey my emotions in interpersonal relationships. Only with the profound truths she offers have I been able to look inward on a deeper level than I thought possible. It has been as literal as "nutrition is very important for you. Your guides are showing carrots in particular" on a day that I had quite literally eaten a bag of raw carrots a few hours earlier. It has been as symbolic as "not a sharp pain, but needles poking in your feet" in regards to a situation I had not quite been able to understand, describe, or heal until then. It has been as inspiring as a rose opening up for me as my world manifested new opportunities and positive change.

I am incredibly grateful that Maria came into my life. I truly could not recommend working with her more. Thank you, Maria!

-Nicole R.

I've never had someone like Maria clearly describe the energy I was feeling and the situations I was going through. It was so clear how she was able to channel and process exactly what I was looking advice and help for. Her words over the phone touched me in a way that was otherworldly. If you're looking for a sense of direction or need help in some way, give her a call.

-Ryan K.

I had a reading with Maria back in December and she is so in tune. She gets who you are as a person, the people and energy around you, and describes it in a very fun, visual way. It was super helpful and relieving to get insights on who I am at the core and what emotional blocks I have on. She genuinely cares and it's super cool having her read and read and read without giving much info or anything. She's like a little clairvoyant machine gun. I highly recommend getting a reading from her, she blows my mind every time. She's extremely spot on and accurate

-Sofya W.

Maria is an AMAZING intuitive. I just had a reading with her and every word she said hit home and struck a powerful chord. I have been all around the block with intuitive readings, so I feel I can say with authority that Maria is special and offers something very, very rare. I feel incredible after working with her and feel so fortunate to have crossed her path. She gave me exactly what I needed and I would recommend her to anyone in the world. I will definitely be returning!

-Stephanie R

My session with Maria brought me exactly the kind of clarity I was in search of and for that I will be eternally grateful. I went in for an intensive session which was a first for me and I’m so glad I decided to do it. I was able to release so many blocks that had been holding me back. Maria was very warm, kind and full of love and light - I was instantly put at ease. Opening up to her was like talking to an old friend that genuinely cared. She allowed me to pour out all that was troubling me, no matter how big or small and she listened with a caring ear. After my session not only did I feel like a weight had been lifted but I truly felt like I was well-equipped to better handle my emotions in the future. The positive changes that have taken place in my life since then are a testament to Maria’s work and the amazing gift she has as a healer.

-Mona D.

It was my first session with Maria and my first healing session...It was a deep experience, past lives and immediately emotions came up. It still feels raw and im letting myself just feel them through the tears. I can feel the energy, don't know how to put into words.

For me, Maria was grounded, honest, non-judgmental and very patient throughout.

I will have a second session, looking forward to working with her.

-GY K.

This experience stood out and I want to show my appreciation. In my young adult life, I've often felt as though I'm some strange foreign musical instrument behind glass in an ancient history museum. People glance at me, struggle to imagine what sound I might make, and quickly exit to the next exhibit. After so many times I felt misunderstood by other people - in school, in relationships - I began to stop trying to express my feelings honestly. So, after the weight of this isolation and misunderstanding built up over the years, I can't really describe how touched I was by my Reiki/counseling session with Maria. I can offer no better description of the experience than to say that I felt she already knew how to produce sound from that metaphorical instrument. Bearing with the analogy, her guided meditation, thoughtful questions, and profound openness were like carefully-timed plucks, strikes, and bows at my soul and I could feel a desperate place inside me begin to resonate, building into a beautiful scream... It's the exuberance of communicating with someone who has a gift for being *real*.  In addition to her skill as a counselor/listener, she is such a charming person and it makes you happy to know that such an adorable person is roaming about somewhere out there making a positive impact!

-Zach S. 

You've probably read nice reviews about many people but Maria is a whole different thing! Not only did she read me with an astonishing level of accuracy but she was willing to go deep into directions I was asking her too. Moreover, I came just for the reading but she offered a healing too! Now I know exactly what is going on and what direction to take with different areas of my life. So... if you want something accurate, helpful and powerful, Maria is the Go-to person!

- Gaius

I had an amazing clairvoyant reading with Maria. She saw into things that made me put life decisions into perspective, making me realize and come to terms with my feelings and then understand my power to influence the future. It was my first remote experience (i.e. phone call), and I was a little nervous but she makes you feel comfortable the whole time. Maria has a very positive energy and can somehow read auras and energy to a tee. Not to mention, her pure intentions can be felt. She wants you to have the tools you need to create the best life. Honestly an unreal reading. Positive experience - Will do it again.

-Carla S.


I hope all is well. I just got out of an extremely stressful meeting and normally I would be dry heaving due to the induced stress that a meeting such as this would cause. However, I am feeling very calm and well. I fully attribute this to you and our last appointment. Even though it was almost two months ago now, I can still feel the last effects. I wanted to thank you again as I realize what extraordinary effort and energy it takes on your end during an appointment.

-Bob A.

You helped me so much during the pandemic. I learned a lot, and you were the catalyst for the breakdown of my attachment to my shell formed due to years of trauma. I want to extend my appreciation. Your words were like the unlocking parts of my mind I was not aware I was avoiding and denying. I want to sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am sending love your way.


Maria! I’ve been meaning to message you. Since our healing, a LOT has changed. I finally left the toxic relationship I was in. My life is in full bloom at the moment, and it has only been one month since I left. I feel so showered with blessings and grateful. My energy levels are higher than ever before! I feel so in tune with myself, my intuition, and my life. Thank you so much.

-Michele Y.

Just wanted to say after our session I fell in love and am now engaged :) crazy stuff! I’ve surprised even myself!


Wow, just wow. It took me a great while to respond to this email, for it was like a giant gong beaten on the back of my head. Jesus. I don’t think you could’ve described him in better words.


This. Is. Spot. On. You are a really gifted clairvoyant. Thank you for not telling me what I should do, but rather tap into my energy to see what would truly make me happy.

-Sjujanika D.

I should tell you a short story that happened earlier this week. I was taking a taxi cab some place. The driver showed up late and was a little rude to me. Normally in situations like this I would have said nothing then later hated myself for being silent; or I would have tried to defend myself but be extremely nervous (stuttering, fast heart beat). But on this last occasion I quickly and firmly responded to the driver’s rudeness feeling calm and self-confident. The driver was more respectful after that. So I want to say: Thank you so much! I feel like I’m doing much better.

-William R.