My Healing Journey

I’m writing this because I noticed that in the last testimonial I posted, there was a mention that there is no self-aggrandizement in my work. I really felt particularly grateful that this was noticed because I think this in itself takes a lot, a lot of refinement, understanding and measured work. Today it feels necessary to explain what this all means, and the healer’s healing journey because without previous experience, this one insight may elude you as it did, me.

My first few healers were very much all about, ‘your process began when you met ME” or all the descriptions about why someone was super powerful or all knowing or superior to me in some way. In fact, one of my healers said to me, verbatim, “I’m strong and they’re weak, because they’re my patients” at the time I was in my mid twenties, new to all of this, I didn’t understand mysticism or metaphysics then, and so I believed.

I also believed in the savior/rescued dynamic that keeps us all trapped in pitfalls of misery as humans. I thought that these people fixed me, saved me, I completely wrote myself out of the equation. I gave my power away.

Because of these early exposures, I do in fact make sure that everyone in my practice is reminded of their own power. That I’m not saving, fixing or rescuing. I find these steps to be fundamental to healing, because how else can we rise in our own power and sovereignty if we do not first believe ourselves to be capable and independent? It is the very FOUNDATION. If someone takes that foundation away from the first moment you start building a foundation for yourself, which has happened to me in my childhood and in my healing journey, then it is very bad news.

I look at and read over old testimonials that I wrote where I’m delighted by my practitioners (and granted, a few of them, very few, were very good healers) who I believed were beyond my power, or attribute things to them that they “fixed” that were wrong with me. And I shudder. These beliefs didn’t come from me, they came from people telling me, themselves.

I spent years in some turmoil about this, on one hand I do feel that there were particular people who were very helpful in my healing course, but I reflect back as a healer myself, and think about the things they said to me and am just.. devastated. I have compassion, because I know that the true healers that are born of this world with our gifts and mission are put through the ringer in early childhood, in ways that can damage someone’s self-esteem for life. A grandiosity is definitely an offshoot of that, and especially in something that later garners a lot of acclaim for that person in particular can trigger this grandiosity that’s just an offshoot of the abuse we endured as children. A lot of us come from narcissistic and sociopathic caregivers where grandiosity is currency.

However, the ones that truly accelerated my path were those that recognized beyond ego. They were the ones who were humble and showed me the way, and showed me that the way was mine.

Someone’s spiritual process, their awakening, does not begin when you meet someone else. It’s already happening, and the timing of meeting can often come down to spiritual contracts or guides who help guide us to others to help us. Someone can surely trigger spiritual growth in someone else, but no one is solely responsible for someone else’s soul timing. Some healers have very keen awareness for when someone is in process, and others, like myself, make myself available to those who seek my help because I trust that souls know their own timing and what it is they need. My soul, my guides, have always led the way for me, and I just want to remind others that just because someone makes the focus of your healing that it is because of their power does not make it so. Did we not learn anything from Cruella (which is an amazing movie by the way!), those who have power don’t talk about it.

The Nature of Desire and Power

Sometimes someone comes into our lives and we can’t get enough of that person. We might know why consciously, and many times we don’t because the desire is unconscious. There’s something that perhaps we want from them, or feel as though they provide for us whether it’s something we didn’t get in our childhoods, or that we feel like we’re missing.

A lot of time this happens in romantic relationships- there’s a desire to be filled by the other person.

The issue here is, the moment you think that someone else can give you something that you can’t give yourself, you give up some of your power.

Read that again.

So it’s important to get clear when you feel that spark with someone, or that longing. It’s natural to desire someone without any other motives, of course, but I’m talking about a deeper longing that makes us chase after the person, or feel like we might not be okay without them. Getting clear on this is crucial. What is it that you think they can offer you, and why is it you can’t give it to yourself?

Support and need are very different. People can support each other, but the longing, the pull of needing someone to be okay is something else. This usually leads to a toxic foundation for a relationship.

The hack here is- figure out how you can give it to yourself. If it’s not something you can give to yourself, why? Of course there are things like physical contact or presence or conversation, that we all need another person for, but try to distill those too. When we miss someone’s presence, sometimes that can indicate we’re not fully present with ourselves, or it could indicate trouble perhaps, being alone (and this one is always rife to unpack).

The aim of this exercise isn’t so that you don’t ever need someone else and you can self-quarantine forever, it’s to get to the bottom of what needs you can fill yourself, so that someone else’s presence isn’t something you depend on, more something additive to your life which feels a lot more freeing and healthy.

Lastly, it’s never a good idea to surrender any of your power in a relationship. Of course, power can sometimes be a nebulous topic in any given relationship, but there should be an equal balance, exchange, unless the structure agreed upon differs. But giving up your power to exist in a relationship isn’t wise- compromising isn’t giving up power. Giving up your power does NOT equal love.

Why I say this is because I recently came to realize with the help of a shaman, that in my family, I was taught that to give up your power meant that you loved someone. My parents demanded obedience from me, and didn’t know how to show love. It’s cultural, but also due to their unique backgrounds where they were never taught, and they never felt the need to change or heal. So love didn’t mean anything else except to give myself up. I know it’s not just me. There’s a tendency for women to be conditioned this way- that submission is required in a relationship which might be old fashioned, but also it exists even in modern relationships, even if it’s subtle or nuanced.

Your personal power is yours to give, or hold onto. And this is just one way where you can create a mental check point and keep your power.

Stepping Into Power

The process of stepping into ones' own power means owning oneself fully and truly. It means facing every part of you, especially the parts of you that you hide to be socially accepted. Shadow work is essential in this process, as most of us discard and disown elements of ourselves that we cover in shame and self-rejection. That means feeling the depth of negative emotions, "abnormal" (I say this in quotes because what I mean is, anything outside of what society defines as normal which is a rather limited box) needs and basically, anything about ourselves that we'd cringe at if someone else found out about.

For me, that was feelings of neediness, loneliness, sadness, a fear of rejection and vulnerability. If we all came out and said what it was that we hid away, we'd probably come to find that we all hide the same things.

On the spiritual path, if you're like me and have had a share of traumatic events, you'll likely dissociate or want to escape from the heavier feelings and move towards the lighter ones. As a shaman identified for me, this is a form of spiritual bypassing. Although it feels like we are on the path towards enlightenment, we do need to face the discomfort to be able to drop into our bodies because the truth is, our power is in our bodies. If our spirits journey out, our bodies are left defenseless and our visions lose their grounding. Often times in these moments we'll hit a "Detour" or what appears/feels to be like one. It will often feel like a trauma itself, but what it's doing is dislodging our deeper traumas in our unconscious that are matching this circumstance. These detours are what allow us to step into our power.

Throughout the process, it can be grueling, but keep in mind that we are only given that which we can handle. If you are a person like me, a very old soul, a healer, an empath, then you already know that you've signed up for a hell of a lot of challenges in this lifetime to refine you, to make you stronger and suited for the large undertakings ahead. We can only heal people as much as we heal ourselves, after all. Before my "detour", I was taking on the energies of other people, their pain, their wounds and not realizing that those were only being absorbed because they matched something in my past that I'd buried in my subconscious. On the other side of this detour, I realize how much faster I can go down my path now after clearing out all of the darker, residual aspects.

We are human- and as human beings we are wired to judge. And that judgment is information not for the other person, but for ourselves- it brings up our belief systems and what we fear within ourselves. We can use this as useful information in our transformation process as it makes us more powerful.

Remember that power is not what we are conditioned to believe it is: it is not masculine, domineering, aggressive. That is overcompensation. That is purely gender based conditioning. Real power is integration. Real power is feminine and masculine. Real Power is ownership of the self, ugliness and all.